Ehou Norimaki is a child who dreams of attending the Academy.

He wears a black scarf, a green jumper and has dark, black hair.
He takes pride in being a ninja and his own abilities, and was upset to find out that Himawari, the daughter of the Hokage, hadn't decided on a career yet, but still beat Ehou at the obstacle course.
While on the tour of the academy and a brief run-through of the academy obstacle course, Ehou is able to keep up with Himawari's speed and agility, and is noted to have a lot of potential by Iruka and Shino. He trains everyday in order to achieve his goal of joining the academy and becoming a shinobi.
He was one of three kids participating in a day-long introduction session to the ninja academy along with Himawari Uzumaki and Yuina Itomaki.