Boruto Wiki

Yamato (ヤマト, Yamato) is an Anbu Captain from Konohagakure. After serving in Anbu, he was assigned to be the supplementary leader of Team Kakashi. After the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Yamato was tasked with watching Orochimaru's movements, and has taken up that post for several years.


Yamato has short brown hard and black eyes. He wears the typical Konoha uniform consisting of dark blue pants, a dark blue long sleeved shirt, with a flak jacket over it, and black open-toed shinobi boots. He also wears a forehead protector which extends over the sides of his face, with a dark fabric chin protector underneath that covers his neck up to the start of the forehead protector. Like as Anbu, he also has a tattoo on his shoulder, which typically remains hidden under his attire.


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Sarada Uchiha Arc[]

Graduation Exam Arc[]


Mitsuki Disapperance Arc[]


  1. It's been at least 15 years since the war, in which he was 27